Welcome to Cannabased Coaching & Wellness

I’m glad you found my wellness center.   Here I help clients find mind/body relief.  

Have you ever felt like wellness was lacking and that you exhausted “traditional” channels?  You’re not alone. I have walked that walk and that is one of the reasons that I wanted to create my center.  I don’t think of the people I see as “clients” I think of them as visitors.  I see people who are seeking something new.  My doors are open for you as long as you want.  Once you have found the tools you need then you will be able to move on and integrate what’ve gotten from me into your life.  

Here you will find various modalities to help you enhance your quality of life.  I like to keep my rates as low as I can because I do not feel that income should be a barrier to care.  Right now, I am taking insurance for massage therapy.   For those of you getting other modalities or are unable to use insurance you will find that my services are discounted.  

As you may have guessed cannabis is something that is woven through all of my modalities.  I do believe that this plant can help most people.  For thousands of years this plant has been used medicinally and spiritually.  For those of you interested and over 21 I do offer cannabis based options in all of my services.  You can read a little more about what I offer below.

Massage Therapy

The power of touch can be used to help with chronic pain or to improve wellbeing.  I have been a Licensed Massage Therapist since 2005 and I have helped countless people improve their life with massage.  For those over 21 (and who want it) infused oils are used for your massage to create relaxation within your endocannabinoid system allowing you to feel the effects from the inside out.  Non-cannabis options are available.  Add on services like cupping, aroma therapy, and cooling menthol are available. 

I do take insurance for massage and you can read more about that here.  If for some reason we can’t use insurance then you are eligible to receive discounted rates.  You can look at the full massage page by clicking the button below 

Flower Meditation

It is well known that the body and mind are connected.  Pain in our minds can create pain in our bodies.  The brain is powerful, it can heal the body and promote a better overall wellbeing if given the chance to really rest.  Sadly, most of us are living in a constant fight, flight, freeze mode.

Combining meditation, cannabis and breathing can give you the tools to really let go and rest.  Here, you can learn new perspectives, connect with something greater or simply find new levels of relaxation.  You can find out more about flower mediation by clicking below

Sex Coaching

Before I started my practice I worked in public health, more specifically, sexual health.  I loved the work.  It was challenging, and I loved being there for people in those vulnerable moments, and I worked for some great organizations, but there was one aspect that didn’t sit well with me.  Every conversation discussed STI and safer sex (which is important), but those conversations never focused on sexual pleasure and enhancement.   

We are sexual beings, from conception to death.  Sadly, society, religion, the media and even our caregivers shape our ideas of what sex, love, affection, attraction and even what our bodies should be.  Oftentimes those imposed concepts are wrong and make us suffer.  We close off, we feel guilt, shame, ambivalence and these things show up in sex lives in many ways.  If you have sexual concerns, or you want to enhance your sexual practices then coaching might be for you.  Click the button below to see how coaching can help you become the sexual being you want to be.